Assistant professor Maureen Kinyua talks to students about principles they should be watching for during Biological Principles of Environmental Engineering class


The mission of the Visiting Innovative Scholar Research Program for Institutions Orienting to National Needs (VISION) is to accelerate research capacity at minority-serving institutions (MSIs) through strategic investments in human capital to disrupt the high teaching loads that impede research by faculty at MSIs. The broader goal of this project is to recruit, identify, place, train, fund, and support external fellows to collaborate on-campus with MSU faculty in research and teaching to expand the research capacity of their institution in NSF-supported fields in computer information sciences and engineering (CISE).

The goals of the VISION program pilot are to:

  • Identify emerging MSI faculty who serve as the intellectual core for CISE research at their home institution.
  • Create a cohort of VISION Faculty Fellows in NSF CISE supported fields.
  • Train and mentor VISION Fellows in support of their research and teaching at their home institution.
  • Study impacts and outcomes of the planned interventions.

Principal Investigator: Dr. Damon L. Tull, University of California, Davis, Graduate School of Management