Logo for UC Davis Center for Teaching Effectiveness next to photos of Dr. Kem Saichaie, Direct of Learning and Teaching at the Center, and Dr. Monica Esqueda, Program Manager at Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing.

Teaching and Learning Immersion with UC Davis Center for Educational Effectiveness

Teaching and Learning Immersion with UC Davis Center for Educational Effectiveness

June 21-25, 2021 | 2021

For the fellow's teaching and learning immersion, the UC Davis Center for Educational Effectiveness provided eight sessions over five days on enhancing their pedagogy and inclusive teaching practices. The specific topics covered in these sessions were as follows: Creating Inclusive Classrooms, Course and Syllabus Design, Effective Lesson Planning for Student Success, Student-Centered Assessment and Feedback, Engaging Students as Active Learners, Experiential Learning for Lab, Studio and Applied Settings, Building Supportive Learning Environments for Critical Conversations, Program Review, and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and Next Steps. Fellows were also offered the opportunity for one-on-one consultations with CEE staff.